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History and memories click on underlined links to access information

This short history of Ayton is transcribed from The Berwickshire News of 18th March 1913. It covers the early history of the parish as well as the burgher and antiburgher churches, population and papermaking. There is also a photograph of the "Auld Meeting Hoose" and a poem dedicated to it.

Village Memories - Andrew Whitlie

Andrew Whitlie (1795 -1872) wrote this booklet about his memories and observation of Ayton in his lifetime. This version was reprinted in 1923.

A download from the memory of Irvine Inglis who lived much of his life as a boy and adult in Ayton. There is a map marked with various locations and a name for each.

Tony Anderson was born on the 14th February 1932 in Chesham, Buckingham and moved to Ayton with his parents when he was about two years old. He wrote his memoirs for the benefit of his descendants and chapters 1 and 2 are recorded here. These covers his boyhood in Ayton and describes many aspects of life in the village at that time, particularly during the second world war. We are indebted to Keith Miller for supplying this extract to the History Society.

Random Reflections of a Roving Railwayman (Ayton extract) by John M Bennett

John Bennett was born in 1908 and died in 1996 aged 87. There is no date of publication on "Random Reflections of a Roving Railwayman" but he wrote it after he retired and mentions 1972 so it must have been some time after that. This extract covers the period 1938 to 1942 when he was Station Master at Ayton and gives an interesting account of life at the station and Ayton during wartime.

Treatise on Scotland's History and its influence on Ayton by Keith Miller

A look at Scotland's history from early times to the Act of Union, identifying events which had an effect on or touched Ayton and district.


It is divided into five periods.

  • Pre-history to the Roman invasion

  • Roman invasion to the 11th century

  • Early Medieval (12th/13th centuries)

  • Later Medieval (14th/15th centuries) and the Renaissance

  • Religious reformation to the Act of Union

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